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CRIS CUDDY: This Little World
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Cris Cuddy - This Little World (Independent)
I’m new to the world of Cris Cuddy but I’ll be checking him out more closely after hearing This Little World. The twelve songs here offer a wide palette of styles, all hitting the mark. A special word for producer, guitarist Steve Briggs, his talents really make the songs shine through. Cuddy has a warm voice and a gift for a hook laden song. ‘Natalie Wood 1963’ is a classic pop song with a great guitar hook; a wistful look at desire through the eyes of a young boy. ‘I want to know what it’s like kiss Natalie goodnight!’ Tom Petty or Chris Isaak would kill for a song like this. The varied song-writing styles include, elsewhere, a breezy reggae take on ‘This One’s Gonna Hurt’, and a tongue in cheek ‘Dear Elvis’. The closing ‘Hey Mickey’, is a tribute to the late Mickey Newbury. Cuddy can also be tender, as he displays on the beautiful acoustic ballad ‘Take Me In Your Arms Tonight’. Mr Cuddy and his helpers have delivered a good-time, swinging collection that deserves the attention of a larger audience. It’s a terrific record! 8/10
John Brindle
